Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 11

Assignment: Utilize my drawing and incorporate that with two programs, photoshop and comic life.

Craft: The first step was to place my finished drawings and photoshop documents into the program comic life. Then I made several adjustments by selecting a background color that I felt helped amplify the scenes in my comic strip. I also adjusted the shapes of the rectangles in which my drawings and photoshop documents were placed.

Composition: I had originally drawn my speech/thought bubbles. However, after messing around with the program comic life, I realized that I could make the text much easier to read by utilizing the text bubbles that were offered in the program. I tried to diversify and use several different types of speech/thought bubbles. For example if someone was just making a statement, I would use a regular speech/thought bubble. If someone was yelling, I would change the format of the text bubble to help amplify the expression of those statements.

Concept: The speech bubbles really give the story some character. They give the reader a much better idea of what is happening in the story. They help convey this point by stressing certain words to show importance or significance. I only was able to use one caption in my entire story, which was rather convenient. I also tried to use a different format for each page of the comic. There were a total of three pages. However, each page had a different format of rectangles and squares showing the photos. I made sure not to cram and I tried to leave only the necessary parts of the pictures visible within the square or rectangle. When I started the project, I didn't think I would be able to make the comic look authentic. Overall, I was pleased with the results of my comic strip.

1 comment:

  1. craft - dave drew his comic strip and it is very well done, the colors work really well together and everything flows together very nicely
    Composition it was arranged very nicely, the story flows really well together and it is easy to understand.
    Concept- his story is about a delivery driver who is making a delivery to house. Then the owner tell him he will give him an extra hundred dollars to deliver a certain package to another home. The delivery drive accepts. At the end the driver finds out the package is a heart.
    it was very enjoyable and done very well
